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Teeth TLC

Other Health and Care Professionals

Helping clients care for their oral health is an essential part of caring for their overall health. Generally the more information and support you can offer people, the more receptive they will be.

Displaying one of the Teeth TLC posters and postcards is a good place to start. Bright and colourful, they highlight the 7 key steps to a great smile. 

There are also more client-specific resources for groups including parents and carers, people with learning difficulties and those for whom English is not their first language. To view the full range of materials, please visit the resources section

For further information about caring for the oral health of children and young people, please click here.

For further information about caring for the oral health of the elderly, please click here.

For further information about caring for the oral health of those with learning difficulties, please click here.

Don’t forget our ‘Key Tips for Carers’ page also contains some helpful tips about looking after the oral health of someone who is unable to do so themselves. Click here to visit the page.